Green_Mystery is now up there with Aikar on my favorite Moderator list I GOT UNBANNED!!!! First person to respond gets 1k rupees free diamond drop party next time im on!!
Woot although it doesn't madder I was left in an old auto garage to take out some old hubcaps and won't be home for 3-5 more hours
Lol I didn't really think about it and wanted to see how good EMCs filter was ( I have been playing on a different server and people curse dispite the filter) and cursed lol, I forgot EMC has no filter XD, I understand y I was banned though, if people weren't banned for cursing then the server wouldn't be as famly friendly as it is
Good job. You should enter in my Top 5 Creations Contest. Welcome back and make sure to read the Guide again and again and again and again and again and-