House of Heads! Need more Heads!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Azor_Axestrike, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. I am making a House Of Heads. If you guys and girls want your head in it please donate you heads in the Dropbox! The house is on SMP8 on number 17029.
    Here is the House Of Heads. The House.png
    Here is the Dropbox to donate your heads in.
    The Dropbox.png
    Here all all me heads so far.
    Heads 1.png
    Heads 2.png

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    • Need.png
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      52.7 KB
  2. I do not need the Creeper Head and the Wither Skeleton Head somebody already donated it!
    RainbowChin likes this.