Hiring someone to strip materials from my mall

Discussion in 'Player Jobs Available' started by FriedLikeRice, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. Looking for someone to mine and chest the following mats from my mall
    Spruce Planks | 36505
    Block of Iron | 21243
    Glass | 14514
    Stone Bricks | 2516
    Oak Log | 2940
    Glowstone | 2192
    Block of Gold | 2002
    Chiseled Stone Bricks | 592
    Polished Andesite | 505
    Block of Quartz | 416
    Sea Lantern | 272

    Price is negotiable depending on items dm on forums or pm in game
  2. What is your mall's residence address and SMP #?
  3. the mall is emeraldspire on smp9
  4. Is this still an ongoing project?
  5. sure