Hi, my name is FlunkyPunk

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by FlunkyPunk, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. Hi yall,

    I've just joined your server. I'm 40yo with 2 kids. 2 young kids, 8 and 10.
    I have joined because this is a vanilla server and this is how I like to play minecraft, and because your site says it is kids friendly.

    I'm posting because I'd like you to know, that if all goes as well as your server intro, that my children will be joining me.
    They are *mostly* well behaved but the issue is, is that their written English is not the best. German is their first language, and even on German servers they have trouble keeping up with the chat because they are 8 and 10 respectively.
    My 10 yo has had some issues on other servers, not because he is badly behaved but, because he runs around giving things away and trying to make friends, but without tact and without reading the chat.

    I will get to know the server before introducing them. I will be looking after them for the first hours that I introduce them but they are essentially free agents after a certain point.

    Strength to your sword arm!

    dresden72 likes this.
  2. Guten tag! Welcome to the Empire, FlunkyPunk! :)
  3. Welcome to the Empire FlunkyPunk. This is a very friendly family service. I can't see you children having any problems here. What server are you on? :)
  4. Welcome to the Empire! :)