[Help Wanted] Fountain/Statue

Discussion in 'Player Jobs Available' started by MCKetchup, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. Hey all 👋

    I’m trying to build a fountain(/statue?) in the middle of my res on smp1. If you were to go there now, you’d see there’s one there. The problem is it doesn’t fit my vision very well, so I’m looking for one of you fine folks to replace it.

    If there’s anyone out there who likes doing fountain/statue combos, please DM me some pictures of your work! (Doesn’t have to be of fountains or statues but that would help lol)

    An important note about this build - the centre of the fountain is either 2x2 or 4x4 and this can’t be altered. Meaning your design will have to have - gasp - an even number center.

    I paid 7k for the existing design. I’m willing to pay 15k for someone to knock my socks off with theirs. I will supply most materials. Expect a tip if your work knocks my socks off
  2. Forgot to mention: when you DM me expressing interest in taking on this lil project I’ll give you some much clearer details of what I want :p