[HELP NEEDED] Casino Talk

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kryarias, Jun 28, 2018.

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  1. So I have talked to some staff and a few players about this and everyone seems to like it as it's not your normal casino, BUT I stink at building. So I would really like some of you guys to help me build. I want it to be a shape that is big and all but not just a square or box. Please comment down below if you want to help. I have a realm we can design it on. It would be greatly appreciated and needed :p. It shouldn't take very long either.
  2. Each Casino Machine - 18 x 11
  3. All help would be great appreciated.
  4. Why don't you simply look for design ideas for the build? And if you would like some nice designs, there's plenty of schematics out there
    ShelLuser and Big__Kev like this.
  5. The problem I would have with this is that the eventual build will be used for your own profit. So basically you're asking the community to help you out for free with the sole intent of you eventually making money. That doesn't sound fair to me ;)

    Please note that I'm not trying to say there's anything wrong with your request. But I do think it's something you might want to consider.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  6. Adding on to this, if the community was to help you out again, what assurances do we have that you will not turn around and resell the casino? There's some history there.
    Big__Kev and ShelLuser like this.
  7. Listen, EvilToade was gonna help but then he told me he has a lot of things going on so he can't. So he said ask the community they will help with the design, that's all I am trying to do.
  8. And, I know lots of people on EMC hate me so I guess I should have never asked. If you know me your know I get very worked up and little things bother me. Now I am testing up a bit. Please close.
  9. I'd like to state for the record that this doesn't include me.

    Anyway, if you want to close a thread you should report it. Do that by clicking the 'report' on the first message (below your message), then the staff will spot it. For now I did so on your behalf, but it is possible that staff needs a bit more clarification.

    One way or the other I honestly do wish you all the best with your build.
  10. I've seen many of your posts and I haven't seen anything close to hatred towards you. People just start having concerns after awhile. You seem to have many huge builds/events on the go at once. When you have that much on the go but are asking the community to help with it, this will turn people off sooner or later. It's great to have all these ideas, maybe just focus on 1 thing until it's done and then start up the next one. No doubt more people will help with other projects when they see finished ones. Just my opinion though. :)
    FadedMartian and ShelLuser like this.
  11. Ok
    I have decided I am focusing on the casino until it opens, cause then when it does, I will hopefully make rupees from it to help me find The Castet. That sound good?
  12. Ultimately that is up to you. What you want to do. My point was just that it might be better to do one thing and finish it and then you have something to showcase when you ask for help for a future project.

    At the same time though you can do them all at once if you want to as well. Also perfectly fine. I will never tell you what to do. I just offered my opinion and share things that helped me.
    ShelLuser likes this.
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