Hello! Glad to be here!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ninjassassin911, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Hello, I have been looking for a server like this for a long time. Finally, I found this one. I have been playing Minecraft for over a year now. When I first joined the server I was greeted by friendly people. I have previously been an admin on a server, but sadly the server shut down. This server is great and I will be staying on it for as long as it's up and running! :)
  2. Welcome to EMC! Glad to have you here. Have fun!
  3. Welcome! Glad you're enjoying yourself here, and I hope you do stick around. It's a fun place!
  4. Welcome! Gratz on finding such an awesome server! :D
  5. Welcome to the Empire! It's an awesome server!
  7. It is highly likely you will not be able to give it up. Side effects include obsessiveness, crying when bed-time, and a high chance of catching the awesome.
    raenis likes this.
  8. and a extremely high risk of wanting to play more
    ShadyShannon likes this.
  9. Yea, that's a fun side-affect.
  10. Code:
    echo off
    echo "Welcome to the Empire!"
    echo "Hope you enjoy your stay!"
    echo "End of Line"
    Have fun in this great community! I'm an uber-nerd. :D
  11. nice bro try and figure out this one
  12. ' {$STAMP BS2} ' BS2, 2sx, 2e, 2p, or 2pe
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

    #SELECT $stamp
    #CASE BS2, BS2E, BS2PE ' PULSE durations
    ThresholdStart CON 1000 ' Message rest vs. data rest
    ThresholdPulse CON 500 ' Binary 1 vs. 0 for PULSIN
    ThresholdEdge CON 300 ' Binary 1 vs. 0 for RCTIME
    ThresholdStart CON 2400 ' Binary 1 vs. start pulse
    ThresholdPulse CON 500 * 5 / 2 ' Binary 1 vs. 0 for PULSIN
    #ERROR This BASIC Stamp NOT supported.
    ' SONY TV IR remote constants for non-keypad buttons
    Enter CON 11
    ChUp CON 16
    ChDn CON 17
    VolUp CON 18
    VolDn CON 19
    Mute CON 20
    Power CON 21
    TvLast CON 59
    VcrStop CON 24
    VcrPause CON 25
    VcrPlay CON 26
    VcrRewind CON 27
    VcrFastForward CON 28
    VcrRecord CON 29
    ' Function keys
    FnSleep CON 54
    FnMenu CON 96
    ' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    ' SONY TV IR remote variables
    irPulse VAR Word ' Stores pulse widths
    remoteCode VAR Byte ' Stores remote code
    ' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
    DEBUG "Press/release remote buttons..."
    ' -----[ Main Routine ]----------------------------------------------------
    ' Replace this button testing DO...LOOP with your own code.
    DO ' Main DO...LOOP
    GOSUB Get_Ir_Remote_Code ' Call remote code subroutine
    DEBUG CLS, "Remote button: " ' Heading
    SELECT remoteCode ' Select message to display
    CASE 0 TO 9
    DEBUG DEC remoteCode
    CASE Enter
    CASE ChUp
    DEBUG "CH+"
    CASE ChDn © 2004 Parallax Inc. • IR Remote AppKit (#29122) • 10/2004 Page 7 of 10
    DEBUG "CH-"
    CASE VolUp
    DEBUG "VOL+"
    CASE VolDn
    DEBUG "VOL-"
    CASE Mute
    CASE Power
    CASE TvLast
    DEBUG DEC remoteCode, " (unrecognized)"
    LOOP ' Repeat main DO...LOOP
    ' -----[ Subroutine - Get_Ir_Remote_Code ]---------------------------------
    ' SONY TV IR remote subroutine loads the remote code into the
    ' remoteCode variable.
    remoteCode = 0
    #SELECT $stamp
    #CASE BS2, BS2E, BS2PE
    DO ' Wait for end of resting state.
    RCTIME IrDet, 1, irPulse
    LOOP UNTIL irPulse > ThresholdStart
    PULSIN IrDet, 0, irPulse ' Get data pulses.
    IF irPulse > ThresholdPulse THEN remoteCode.BIT0 = 1
    RCTIME IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdEdge THEN remoteCode.BIT1 = 1
    RCTIME IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdEdge THEN remoteCode.BIT2 = 1
    RCTIME IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdEdge THEN remoteCode.BIT3 = 1
    RCTIME IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdEdge THEN remoteCode.BIT4 = 1
    RCTIME IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdEdge THEN remoteCode.BIT5 = 1
    RCTIME IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdEdge THEN remoteCode.BIT6 = 1
    DO ' Wait for start pulse.
    PULSIN IrDet, 0, irPulse
    LOOP UNTIL irPulse > ThresholdStart
    PULSIN IrDet, 0, irPulse ' Get data pulses.
    IF irPulse > ThresholdPulse THEN remoteCode.BIT0 = 1
    PULSIN IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdPulse THEN remoteCode.BIT1 = 1
    PULSIN IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdPulse THEN remoteCode.BIT2 = 1
    PULSIN IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdPulse THEN remoteCode.BIT3 = 1
    PULSIN IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdPulse THEN remoteCode.BIT4 = 1
    PULSIN IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdPulse THEN remoteCode.BIT5 = 1
    PULSIN IrDet, 0, irPulse
    IF irPulse > ThresholdPulse THEN remoteCode.BIT6 = 1
    #ERROR "BASIC Stamp version not supported by this program."
    ' Map digit keys to actual values.
    IF (remoteCode < 10) THEN remoteCode = remoteCode + 1
    IF (remoteCode = 10) THEN remoteCode = 0
  13. Welcome and this server will never shut down don't be silly ;)
    607 likes this.
  14. I'll take a guess at this one. It looks like code similar to BASIC, and it's dealing with a microcontroller of sorts. Judging by some of the lines of code, I will take a guess that this code is for a Remote Control for a SONY TV. It's dealing with the functions on the board of the controller. The coding is for the activation of buttons and the effects that it leads to.

    Am I right? :D

    Also, best to keep this on topic.
  15. its not basic its in binary and not a microcontroller rember this pic this is what the program is for awesome robot.jpg
  16. the remote program is completely dif
  17. Ah yes, I did see this. I'm pretty sure its not coded in Binary. I noticed it's Coded in the application PBASIC from the line that reads "{$PBASIC 2.5}". And how does this have anything to do with the robot? The code clearly shows it's for a remote control of some sort.

    EDIT: Just took another good look at the code. It's code for an Infared Television Remote. What does this have to do with the robot?

    SONY TV IR remote constants for non-keypad buttons
    © 2004 Parallax Inc. • IR Remote AppKit
    ' SONY TV IR remote variables
    irPulse VAR Word ' Stores pulse widths
    remoteCode VAR Byte ' Stores remote code
    EDIT: Sorry for capturing this greeting thread ninjaassassin911. I'll be moving this conversation elsewhere. :)
  18. I think I can deal with those side effects!! :)
  19. Okay! No problem! It's fun to listen to this!
    TonicThunder likes this.