Hi I'm new. How do i chat? It keeps telling me i can't chat. I've tried setting my chat to Town, using @t, /tell, and the server wont let me chat. I'm in server 3.
Press Enter to bring up the chat box, to type. If you just started Minecraft, it would usually by / to start chatting. Go to controls and change it to Enter. Enter is much easier for me, also for others. If you can type, but it wont allow you to send a message. Try /chat town and start talking. Also, if you haven't finished the tutorial. Your unable to chat, until you finish. If it doesnt work, might wanna contact a staff. Best advice I can give you.
The issue here is do with your Minecraft setup. When you go into options click on "Multiplayer Settings..." And make sure Chat says :Shown not :Off or :Command Only. So to summarize: Options/Multiplayer Settings/Chat:Shown
Is chat off on your minecraft settings? That's probably the problem. I probably got ninja'd. Wound up having to do something for 5 minutes. Also, you're new? We're friends now. Irrevocably.