Have so called ranks.

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Stnywitness, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. The longer you have played on Empire, you get a specail bonus or perk. Say, you have been playing for a year or so and you would get another residence. Or everyone 6 months you have had Empire you get 64 diamond or something like that. I think I and everyone else out there would like the extra residence perk with every year you have played. I know the supporter thing and that would still exist, it's just you have to earn it for the perks. Good idea and I am just throwing it out there. I at least hope you will put it as an idea for future reference. Thanks!

    Sincerely, Stnywitness :)
    Broseph03 and ShelLuser like this.
  2. This might help keep newer players on instead of leaving the first hour after they join.... although giving them extra resses sort of defeats the supporter ranks.
    ILTG likes this.
  3. Exactly!
    Broseph03 likes this.
  4. Cool idea! I think it would be good to reward players for the days they are active or log on. I don't know how well the extra residence thing would work, because it would take away the demand for supporter, but I think a reward for time spent on EMC sounds great!
  5. Maybe the perks could be more rarer or they cost a certain fee of rupees
    Broseph03 likes this.
  6. I think it would encourage new players/players on to keep coming back to get rewards. I like that idea but not getting extra residences. Like said before, that would defeat the purpose of having supporter ship.
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  7. Definitely true. Maybe rare ores or other rare resources or maybe 10 DCs of dirt or cobblestone. The possibilities are endless Lol!
    Broseph03 likes this.
  8. I think we are sort of talking about voting. Maybe staff will take a fresh look at the rewards after the update ?
    Tuqueque, jkrmnj and LordessSpartan_ like this.
  9. I believe there is (or was ) a plan to add max res vouchers to voting rewards. /vote used to say you could get more residences by voting, but that was back when I first joined :p
  10. For new players, yes. For long term, no. That's what supporter is for.

    However, this could be a great incentive for new players to have a reason to stay on the server. For example, over a 10 day course, they can get rewards each day, getting better and better as the 10 day streak goes on.

    + 0.5
  11. Yeah, good idea. However, I have had a couple of friends that had got Empire because I told them about and they loved it. However, they did play for quite a while, but now they don't play it. So maybe, you get some rewards when you join and the ten day thing that Carbonyx mentioned but also have a little bit of rewards or badges maybe for my advanced or long term players. That way they will still enjoy the game even on a long term scale.
    Broseph03 likes this.
  12. These perks could be to any player even people who have been playing for a year or two like me. (Not just me mind you, lol)
    Broseph03 likes this.
  13. All this is obtained through Voting, (Even extra Reses in the future).... So i dont see a need to make more....

    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. Oh, well. An idea for the future I guess. :)
    Broseph03 likes this.
  15. Daily rewards.
  16. -1 I've seen servers with ranks with progression. There is too much segregation with people's opinions and cliques as they do not take serious anyone who is the lowest rank and often leads to aggressive arguments over who is a pleb because of their rank and whose not a pleb and thus has more intelligence. If ranks like this on EMC ever existed, I would've never stayed.
    Carbonyx and ThaKloned like this.
  17. So both pros and cons. I understand
    Broseph03 likes this.
  18. I mean... It's been in the future for a while. Not trying to be rude, but the developers may not be doing that anymore