Halloween Scavenger Hunt (and riddle game!)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by SageCREEPER, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. As promised, here are the deets :p
    This is an event which (I hope) is quite original.
    The basic premise:
    I say a riddle. The riddle pertains to one or more pumpkins hidden around my second residence on smp9. Roam the residence searching for the answer to the riddle (e.x. if the riddle was "Young I am tall, old I am short. What am I?" you'd be looking for a pumpkin near a candle.)
    If you find the pumpkin, give a shout and the first person to do so will be rewarded with... well, that's where you come in!
    DONATIONS: Donations may be mailed to me using /sendmail. I ask that you title your mail "Halloween Donation" so it doesn't get confused with other mail.

    And remember, this is a halloween event, so make the donations as spoopy as possible! All halloween promos (haunted head, haunted candy, etc) are welcome. (VERY welcome :p)
    Date: Sunday the 29th, 5:00pm EMC time
    Where: my second residence on smp9 (/smp9, then /v sagecreeper 2)
    What to bring?: your wits!