God Trident 28K

Discussion in 'Selling' started by TuckerAmbr, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. Tridents with
    Mending, Unbreaking III, Impaling V, Loyalty III, and either Riptide III or Channeling as they are incompatible.
    This appears to be the lowest price on here for these and quantities are somewhat limited so I would suggest getting one now.
    You can respond to this thread, send me the rupees and I will mail it to you.
    And remember what the dormouse said

    Note: it appears loyalty is not compatible with riptide either
  2. Bump, or get 2 for 48
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  3. I just logged out and then saw this. Leaving this here for myself so I remember. Sounds cool, will pick one out and pay you this weekend. Thanks!
  4. I'll take one of each please :)
  5. I changed the original post above to display that apparently loyalty is not compatible with riptide either. Do you still want one of each? Still the same price.
  6. Could I have 2 with channelling please? I'll send the 48k when online later :)
  7. Mailed
  8. Paid thanks :)
  9. One of each please :) I sent over 48k
  10. Yes you did, and there they are. Thank you Smooshed
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  11. Thank you very much :D
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  12. Loyalty, channelling, etc etc etc for me please Tucker. Paying you now. Thank you!
  13. Mailed. Thank you so much Khixan and enjoy!
    khixan likes this.
  14. Loyalty and channeling please :D

    Getting on now to send payment
  15. Speedy delivery. Thanks buddy. Have a splendid day!!
    Carbonyx and khixan like this.