Giveaway! Wheeheeeheeee...

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by jamesg003, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Did you read any of the previous posts?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.

  2. That number is taken -_-
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. It appears the joke has escaped you both...
    Pab10S and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. then anynumber will do please
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. 80 please? :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Not me, that is why I grabbed that number as soon as I could. *Facedesk*
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Oh no i think i got the me i got it......some of our other members may not have but i did.
    My mind.....
    BilboBaggins23 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. It has... The joke is that some of us were just having a bit of fun asking for the same number constantly. :)
    I did it because the entire thing is to be funny...

    ob1bob69 even pointed it out humorously... :)
    Equinox_Boss and jamesg003 like this.

  9. (I didnt add all the quotes to save space ._. )
    Equinox_Boss and jamesg003 like this.
  10. Dat wall of text.
    Equinox_Boss and Twitch1 like this.
  11. Any number please. :)
  12. My, my. some people don't even read the page they are on.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. 6ty NIENE
    ob1bob69, Nilex92 and Twitch1 like this.
  14. 53, please.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. 74 please.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. any number
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. 64 please
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. Equinox_Boss......
    Equinox_Boss likes this.

  19. Come at me bro.. ;)
    ob1bob69, BilboBaggins23 and Nilex92 like this.
  20. Yes, yes he did...

    It seems to me like you're jealous!

    Well, your jealousy worked, it looks like he liked your post after all XD
    Equinox_Boss likes this.