Giveaway! DC of horses, 10k, Saltar and more!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MVPdrose, Oct 4, 2013.


What do you think about the government of the USA?

It needs changes 14 vote(s) 31.1%
I like it 4 vote(s) 8.9%
Congress is doing great 1 vote(s) 2.2%
Its all the worlds fault 3 vote(s) 6.7%
OMG IT SHUT DOWN! 6 vote(s) 13.3%
Wait.... We still have a government??? 17 vote(s) 37.8%
  1. yay for sonic! :D
    sonicol1 likes this.
  2. dont know why u get number 2, when i choice it a page earlier
  3. maybe because I asked first but my number was taken and he gave me the next aviable one. hey, you also won
  4. i picked the number 2 at page 2, u asked a new number at page 3, thats later then me bro
  5. I asked before you at page 2 for number 26, which was taken. If you had complained BEFORE the numbers were choosen, I could understand you
  6. So he gave my number to you, sounds logic...
  7. it's over. He wrote it in the OP, how didn't you see it?
  8. i want the number that i picked(number 2) not 3
  9. DUDE he asked for 26 b4 YOU! Then i said its already picked... SO he said give me nxt availabe 1 was already picked so i gave him 2. THEN you said you wanted 2 and i gave u next avaliable, 3! AND you now lost your win because u didnt do it right along with Gabrielrocks69, Kippy159, and Qwerty189.
    Lukas3226 likes this.
  10. NEW WINNER~ Do it right this time
    You won 4th
  11. New Winner~ Read instructions and do it right this time
    You won 5th
  12. New Winner~ Read intructions and do it right this time!
    6th place
  13. New Winner ~ Read intructions and do it right this time
    7th place
    MR2R2M likes this.
  14. Number 9, please! That was my # in football!
  15. Giveaway is over....
    Knotsy likes this.
  16. cant blame me for trying... =.=
    MVPdrose and Elysphic like this.
  17. DUDE number 2 wasnt free, on page 2 i picked number 2, and the dude said gimme a free number at page 3, if ur list was up to date, this didnt happen. And about the price i lost, i was getting the garbage that was left by the others so idc
  18. Hey, let's insult the guy giving away free stuff and saying it is garbage.... Now he will give you the number you want. don't complain in a giveaway. The holder decide what is happening, no one else.