Ghast Heads {Auction}

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by levyhalmen, Mar 2, 2018.


Should I make a parkour course made of heads?

Poll closed Mar 16, 2018.
Yes. 16 vote(s) 69.6%
Nope. 2 vote(s) 8.7%
Yes, I will gladly provide my own head. 2 vote(s) 8.7%
Player or mobs? 3 vote(s) 13.0%
  1. Last bid was Precisely 215 001r, I am sure through further bumpage:

    We can make ghastly improvements:

  2. We have 136 more hours before this auction ends! You had better hurry and place your bids before the next Wednesday!?!?!?!

  3. It is time for another bumpage!

  4. It is time for another bump of the page (Bumppage).
  5. 215,001 = last bid = ellisbrewer
    Here is a (Shopping Cart) bump just cause I still have the auction going on until Wednesday at 8:02 AM (Central Time?).
    ellisbrewer likes this.

  6. Bump balalah!
  7. Woo Hoo! I'll send payment this morning. Let me know where I can pick them up.
  8. /v 6237 on SMP 3, I will set-up access after the payment.

  9. Payment sent!
  10. You are chest accessible!
  11. Forgot what shop it was but they had like 3 stacks of heads for 1 k each