[GAMES EVENT] Hang out with Staff on /games

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by JDHallows, Sep 22, 2017.

  1. Hang out with Empire Minecraft Staff on the EMC Games server!
    Join us as we have fun playing different games like parkour races, PvP games, occasional special events like FireFloor or MobArena, or any number of other fun minigames!
    The fun starts at 10:30pm today! Log on to EMC and head on over to /games to join!
    (This was supposed to be hosted at 8pm today, sorry for the delay, I got distracted)
  2. Sounds like fun, but I can't make it due to the time, hope yall have fun :p
  3. I am there JD no doubt games are fun :)
  4. I'll see if lucky lets me go for a bit so I can come play ;3
  5. Sounds like fun. I'll try and make it before it's over.