[Future Event] Halloween (yes Halloween) Event in October - PLEASE READ

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Kaddrii, May 3, 2018.


Should I host this event, and will you like to come if so?

Yes, you should host this event. 2 vote(s) 100.0%
No, you shouldn't host this event. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Yes, I would like to attend if i can make it. 2 vote(s) 100.0%
No, I won't like to attend even if I could. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Yes, you may have heard, I am officially hosting a Halloween Event. No, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not doing it today, or tomorrow, or in the course of a month. I hope to host it in 5 months on October, when Halloween actually comes around. I know what you're thinking; why is some kid just running around the forums saying she is going to host an event in 5 months when summer is finally just starting? Well, I have been running around and ave only managed to scramble up a few players in a few other threads, but I really need the help. So I decided, well Foxy, why not just make it official so people will actually see this. As Krysyy said in the intro, players love to have great, big and unique events, and the longer the time, the better the experience. If you want to check out my previous threads, you can but I will soon figure out where to post an official thread, because I am still figuring out EMC. I am also looking for many players to help out as well, and I posted a thread in hiring players, but you will need to search it up with Halloween by, well of course, me. :D
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