Frontier Underground!

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wipple5, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Hello!
    Today I have come up with a new project that I may carry out. It will be a frontier railway. It would be a railway system underneath the ground to get you to places faster. The stations will be made on request, if you would like to request a station near a area that will be helpful for you, post below with the name of the place and the co-ordinates (If you do not want to publicly display the co-ordinates; pm me on the forums).

    None - Post below!

    To be able to make this project happen, I will need donations. The current donation pool is...
    0 Rupees - Updated when a new donation is received!
    The first network will be on smp7, however if it is successful, I may build it on other servers too! The railway will consist of a few different "lines" and lots of stations. Once the first line is build, an underground map will be made, showing all the lines with all the stations. To complete a journey where you would like to start on a station one line and end up on a station on another line, you will have to make swaps throughout your journey. There will be swapping stations at every station possible and mid-track if needed. It will be simple to get to your destination using the map. I will start this build when we have enough donations and 10 station requests. Thanks for reading and I hope this becomes a huge success!
  2. When you get to a network on SMP9,the East Wild would probably love this.