Frontier Spawn Repair Donation Service....

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by finch_rocks_1, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Hey EMC,

    I am looking for players who have a Current Frontier Repair Service, as I have been getting a ton of dirt, that I have no use for, So I can donate that dirt to player who are looking to repair the Frontier Spawns...

    I Am more or less looking for it to used on smp6, as that is my home, and then go from there... I can also donate Tree Saps and Bone Meal to help regrow sections...

    Just Post on this Thread and Info will be supplied....

    Also Any other players who are looking for the same thing, they can also post here, and say what smp they want it to be used on, :)

    ThaKloned likes this.