Free utopia res for non-supporter

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Xxandster700xX, Sep 20, 2012.


Are Non-suporters under priveleged?

Yes 12 vote(s) 17.6%
No 32 vote(s) 47.1%
In some cases 24 vote(s) 35.3%
  1. So sorry it was late at night and i was tired
    IamSaj likes this.
  2. Non suporters can still log into utopia and use a res. I will claim it and then give the winner every flag
  3. 11 was alredy taken by Hash98
  4. taken
  5. 24 please
  6. taken
  7. 12.. 14.. 17.. any that's not taken.. 19.. 29..
  8. 25 por favor? (That means please in French)
    IamSaj and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. taken
  10. Taken
  11. taken
  12. taken
  13. 26? 27? 14?
  14. Anything NOT taken :)
  15. Awesome giveaway! :)