Foxy is growing in Numbers

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by LordFloppa, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. Hello all!


    We will take over
    Jelle68 and Roslyn like this.
  2. Oh boy what flavor is it?
  3. OH brother.... You noob
  4. You're the one to blame for this.
  5. looks like a bunch of alts possibly
  6. You don't say :p
  7. "Slaying FoxyRavenger_2. I'm paranoid with all Foxy's"
  8. It's not captain's fault for wanting to spread his power to smp1 where he used to be :p
  9. Why must you spoil everything, I just created you...
  10. Really? That's awesome! Come to the best smp! You missed the Smp1 party...with 6 moderators at the same time!
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  11. Foxy, Foxy everywhere. :rolleyes:
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  12. Hehe you bet!
  13. Your alts are nothing compared to SkareCboi's army lol
    neonkillah likes this.
  14. It's completely normal to talk to oneself with the use of alternate accounts. Mine argue daily.
  15. You should of seen mine when I got them. :p