[Forum Game] You're Expelled for...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mayorprofessor, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. You expelled for paying to much attention.
  2. You are all fired for not having posts, that are all lieked.
  3. Your expelled for worrying about likes.
  4. You're expelled due to the fact that Zombeh doesn't have an "expelled", and that sentence made no sense.
  5. ur expeled fur propr speling ans gramer.
  6. Your expelled for correcting me. :p
  7. You're expelled for putting an emoticon at the end of your sentence.
  8. You're expelled because your post is number 207, which is a multiple of 23.
  9. you're expelled for not having your avatar be a creepy banana like your name suggests
  10. You're expelled because you split creepybanana into two incorrect words. The username is derived from the nouns 'creeper' and 'banana', not 'creepy' the adjective.
  11. You're expelled for assuming that the composition of your username should be common knowledge.