[FORUM GAME] Rate the signature above yours!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by PRO_G4NGST4, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. Maybe he just builds for people who create costumes?:p
  2. 7/10 colorful but a bit chaotic. Looks nice though :)

    *my sig: honest mistake*
  3. Yeah i need to make a better one. That one was made with a free online program while I was bored at work one day.

    Your sig: I notice spelling and grammar before graphics. It's a habit. ;)
  4. 1/1000000
    Hahaha ;P
    SparerToaster likes this.
  5. 10/1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  6. 7/10 nice lay-out, signatures with meaning
    Manglex and marknaaijer like this.
  7. 0/10

    Love giving this score to DJ xD
  8. 7/10 like the Mario theme you got going
  9. 6/10 I'm the EMC Tanooki
  10. 9.9/10

    EMC tanookiz rulz!
  11. 3/10. You have a broken link in there. :p
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. .5/10

    There's half an achievement and some random BB code...


    Manglex likes this.
  13. 140th post in this thread.