Forum Game ''My Hill''

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Highbuddy, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. i stilll think gen 1-4 was best :/
  2. Here, have a Railgun.
  3. i turn into a rocket firing super ghost and shoot you
    my hill!
  4. I annoy you to death. My hill
    hayjam likes this.
  5. I am already dead...
    my hill
  6. I become as still as a statue, so i can't be moved. i also become immortal. My Hill.
  7. You die again. My hill
  8. i go to the hill knowing you cant do anything because your a statue. my hill!
  9. I push you off. My hill
  10. im a ghost. i cant be pushed. i steal your soul.
    my hill
  11. I pvp you. Banned and my hill.
  12. Well I'm Chuck Norris.
  13. I am titaniiummmmm...
    My hill
    foodenator likes this.
  14. Diamond sword.
    My hill
  15. Im tnt!
    MY HILL!!!!
  16. Wood Sword.
    My hill
  17. Stone ftw
    My hill
  18. I'm a panda.
    I eat bamboo.
    I'm endangered.
    My hill.
  19. I stalk people on the hill.
    MY HILL!
  20. I get 2 railguns and shot you in the face with my awsomeness