[Forum Game] Five Letters

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by JDHallows, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. Hello! I thought I might start a new forum game, not sure if this one has been done before.

    Each post should be formatted like below:
    • The group of 5 letters can't contain the same letter more than 2 times.
    • Each word in the 5-word phrase must start with a letter from the prior poster's 5 letter group, with words in the same order as the provided letters.
    • The 5-word phrase must include at least 2 words from the English dictionary.
      • This rule is to ensure phrases make sense in English, but allows for common nouns and commonly used foreign words. Note that posting only in English is a standard forum rule on EMC, so keep this in mind while posting.
    • Each 5-word phrase must convey some sort of thought or message, but does not need to be a complete sentence. Punctuation can be used to clarify meaning.
    • A maximum of 2 hyphens can be used in the phrase, with hyphenated words only counting as 1 word.
      • Example: "Empty-handed" counts as 1 word, and only 1 more hyphen can be used in one of the other 4 words.
    • All phrases and letter groups must follow all EMC rules/guidelines when posting.
    To kick off the thread, here is the first 5 letter group: [T I H R E]
  2. Tenacious iguanas HATE romantic elephants!

  3. Please Only Taunt At Toddlers

  4. Larry Observes Ravenous Turtles Hunting
    JDHallows likes this.
  5. Kangaroos Enjoy Generating Ingenious Speeches

    MissBonnieParker and JDHallows like this.
  6. Anabel Run's Through Buttered Popcorn

    MissBonnieParker and JDHallows like this.
  7. Those with massive yappers: halt!

    MissBonnieParker and JDHallows like this.
  8. Larry Jenkins Doesn't Forgive Orthodontists

    MissBonnieParker and JDHallows like this.
  9. Please Ignite Dora's Zoo Union

    MissBonnieParker and JDHallows like this.
  10. Happy adventures provide lasting opportunities

  11. Quirky Wizards Enjoy Ridiculous Tricks

    MissBonnieParker likes this.
  12. Understanding New Illustrations Fuel Opinions

    JDHallows likes this.
  13. Penguins Have Amazing Fishy Elegance

    MissBonnieParker and JDHallows like this.
  14. Doctors Enjoy Hearing Ants Exercise

    MissBonnieParker and JDHallows like this.
  15. Bloody Queens Ate Throughout Monday

    MissBonnieParker and JDHallows like this.
  16. Zany Leopards Only Read Pamphlets

    MissBonnieParker likes this.
  17. Grandma Joyfully Brings Many Gifts

    JDHallows and Silken_thread like this.
  18. Fine Lady And Knight Enters

    MissBonnieParker and JDHallows like this.
  19. Koalas Hate Tiny Little Trees

  20. Always Promote Quiet, Lasting Serenity.

    JDHallows and Silken_thread like this.