[For Sale] Permanent Derelict Protection and Supporter Vouchers

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Laae, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. SMP7 @ 15554
    ( Prices May Be Negotiable )

    Iron Supporter Voucher : 48,750r

    Gold Supporter Voucher : 97,500r

    Diamond Supporter Voucher : 195,000r

    Permanent Derelict Protection : 1,500,000r
    Esrik, Kryarias and FadedMartian like this.
  2. Bump =)
    Kryarias likes this.
  3. Is the perm dericliction voucher still available?
    Laae likes this.
  4. Yes, I currently have 3 in-stock.
  5. I got there late. Sold out. :(
    Laae likes this.
  6. Just restocked =)
  7. cool
    Laae likes this.
  8. And sold out again. Haha.
    Laae and ThaKloned like this.
  9. Would you like for me to save you some?

    That is true, would you like for me to save you some as well?
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  10. Thanks for the offer, I am unreasonably impatient and paid a higher price to someone else. :p
    ThaKloned, Kryarias and Laae like this.
  11. Haha no worries!
  12. I will be buying soon I just need some rupees haha
  13. it may take me some time to get the money but if you could possibly save me 1 i would be very grateful
  14. Sure! I'll leave one aside for you.

    Also restocked the perms.
  15. Thanks i will start saving up
    Laae likes this.
  16. I will send you a PM to hold some for me soon
    Laae likes this.