
Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BluMacow101, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. So I have this extra res and was wondering if a few people would like to help me make a horse track or something fun for the community.
  2. which server?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. bump anyone got ideas?
  4. What about a public tree farm like the one on smp6.. I know this would be very helpful for everyone on smp2. Especially for those new players who don't have free access to vaults yet.
  5. I haven't read about that! How does it work? :)
  6. Are you saying smp 2 needs a public works?
  7. The public tree farm is located on someones res @ /v +tree Perms are open for tree chopping but not container or things like that. It's also an honor system were if you chop it down you must use the saplings to replant.

    We have some stuff but I was just referring to town plot type utility's.
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