[EVENT] Wacky Wild Days (OLD)

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Eviltoade, Apr 19, 2017.

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  1. What will be supplied?
    Floorfne likes this.
  2. All sorts of building stuff!! :D
  3. In other words, you are still thinking lol
    Eviltoade likes this.
  4. Look at the fantastic signature.... wonder who made it ;)
    Eviltoade likes this.
  5. What is bridge battle?
  6. Bridge Battle is a simple game where players attempt to get to the other side of a lava pool by building a bridge out of dirt. They can deter other players by breaking their dirt or knocking them into the lava with snowballs. :) The first player to the other side wins!
    Tuqueque and padde73 like this.
  7. Wow, that sounds like so much fun!! Sadly I never am able to attend Wacky wild Wednesdays :(
  8. I'm still hella disoriented so I'm probably not gonna make it. Love the idea though!
  9. dang I missed it! :/ Foo
  10. Time for one of these again. Using Evil's thread since I have no specific event planned =P
  11. You know there is an amazing Elytra tower with hoops to fly through in the wild at Lakeside that would be perfect for an event :rolleyes:
  12. *Doesn't know where any of those things are.*
    Care to provide me some coords?
  13. How does this work?
  14. 2273,-9555 smp7
    NuclearBobomb and SkeleTin007 like this.
  15. Any Wacky Wild Wednesdays tonight?
  16. August 1st event: Firefloor!

    See you all at 8 pm!
  17. Noice :cool:
    MoreMoople likes this.
  18. Thanks for this and congrats to Kloned
    ThaKloned likes this.
  19. Hey I am glad this is back in full swing for now ;)
  20. And now that it's back I can't make it :p
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