Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by torivegas, Jul 30, 2017.


Are you likely going to be able to make it to this event?

Poll closed Aug 22, 2017.
Yes 20 vote(s) 80.0%
No 5 vote(s) 20.0%
  1. Oh no! We will miss you! But there will be more events in the future :p
    MoreMoople likes this.
  2. So is this the 'Post Eclipse Party', or the 'Post Apocalypse Party'? I'm wondering that maybe having the sun disappear might bring about the apocalypse. That or maybe our current president...(sorry. couldn't resist)
    Mr_Fuzzlewuzzle likes this.
  3. Time?
  4. 6:30!
  5. Thank you all for an amazing first event! We will continue to host them as time goes along! We love everyone and thank you for attending <3
    ChumMiner likes this.