[Event] Monday Evening Horse Racing

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by _1_2_, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. .
    TR33_FR0G likes this.
  2. Mmmm, definitely going to have to miss this one, I'll be at work. Have fun all and may the best rider and horse win. ;)
  3. I'll be probably joining in on Monday, is there a stable at the track so I can store my horse?
  4. lol I really want tooooooooo...... but my lag is too bad for races *cries like a baby*
  5. I'd love to come, but I'll be at school. (it'd be tuesday 10:30am for me). If you ever change it to Friday or Saturday, I'll be sure to come :)
  6. I'll be there!
  7. Friday or Saturday EMC time would be great since these are weekends for me :D
  8. 5:00 - 5:30 pm onwards is good for me :)
  9. Thanks very much - I love entering horse races, but the monday evenings never suited my timezone :)
  10. I love the fountain and beacon! Just a suggestion, perhaps try using carpet instead of the wooden pressure plates to see if you like it?
    Lockdown32 likes this.
  11. Why haven't we been having any races for the passed few weeks? I really want to race.
  12. Hm, that's probably because you haven't been holding the races at the right time XD
    I wait for about an hour after the racing is suppose to begin and I haven't seen you on smp3 at all...
    Perhaps you should change the time the horse racing starts?
  13. This was one of the reasons that I stopped mine. Maybe try to get approval from kryssy for your event to be on the front page.
  14. Maybe you could advertise 1 hour before the race? If it is well advertised, I will donate to horse races.
  15. Maybe because of daylight savings. The time in the eastern parts of the U.S have been changed for me.
  16. Hope you had a great race! :)
  17. Are the races officially cancelled? My kids and I have been prepping for the races since last week. We had four racers ready to rock and roll. Of course... dad got stuck with the "starter horse" somehow.

    If they are cancelled would be nice to remove them from the calendar.
  18. Why is it cancelled? What happened?
  19. It's most likely because no one shows up when the event is being held, or at least not enough people show up.