Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Davinchicken, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Lets have fun together! Build together as a community! This is a contest on 1/15/16 friday, 6pm EMC time to approx. 9 pm EMC time!
    Where? /v 5532
    When? 6pm-9pm!
    Plz bring your own materials. I will quickly cover the rules before we start.
    Questions? Pm me!:)
    You can build whatever you want as long as its appropriate.

    1st place wins a beacon
    2nd place wins 3 dragon stone fragments
    Trapper777 likes this.
  2. EMC time? What time zone?
    Davinchicken likes this.
  3. Eastern Standard Time
    Trapper777 likes this.
  4. Hopefully we can get enough people. I hope at least 20 of you can make it!
  5. How will the buildings be judged? Will you judge them or will a non-participating player or staff member judge them?
  6. I will judge. I will be looking mainly for creativity .