[ESTABLISHED] New Outpost - Vextopia (SMP5)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by xXvexenXx, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Greetings. Please see below for my outpost request.

    Server: SMP5
    Name: Vextopia
    Owner: xXvexenXx
    Co-Owners: EMC_Rocks & pollycubepants
    Coordinates: Available upon Staff request for verification

    You ask, "What is Vextopia". Vextopia is an Outpost in a distant land out in the far reaches of the Frontier. A place where all have one thing in common, the desire to adventure, hunt and build in peace without worry.

    All members of this Outpost will have to abide by a very simple mindset: 'Have fun and build a great mini-community on SMP5 out int he Frontier'. This will be a drama free zone. Anyone causing problems will be removed from the community.

    If you are interested in joining this collective of like-minded players, please PM me. Each member will be given a pre-built residence that they can use and decorate to their liking. If you are interested in developing your own residence at the outpost, that can be arranged also. There will be 'plots' set up that you can build your own residence on. The general concept for the Outpost/Empire is already decided on by me but there will be many areas that other Vextopia's can contribute and build to help expand the complex.

    What does membership in Vextopia provide:
    • Your own residence; pre-built or open (plot sizes vary)
    • Access to all farms: if there is a farm that can be built in Vanilla, it will be there to include iron, gold, cane, wool, livestock, cactus, trees, harvest crops (anything you plant including melons and pumpkins), etc.
    • Access to mob farms (as available and once found within outpost area)
    • Access to hunting camp - for those like me that prefer to hunt their prey instead of killing them in a cage
    • Community sharing center - primarily used for sharing resources for outpost development team
    • Access to private rail system out to the outpost that can be used until teleports are implemented. Rail is currently 8% complete.
    Membership Applications: Pre-accepting potential members (you can apply but coords won't be shared until development status hits at least 10% or you accept a position on Development Team). Send me a PM to apply.

    Current Development Status: 1% - Just established, started basic structures

    Current Members:
    Unique Members: 4

    • xXvexenXx
    • EMC_Rocks
    • pollycubepants
    Development Team:
    • xXvexenXx
    • cob546
    • whoppercopper
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. If you would supply me with the cords via pm I can check this out for you.
    xXvexenXx and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. Thanks crystalddragon13 I have the co-ords will take it from here :)
    xXvexenXx and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. Congrats you're established :) have fun!
    xXvexenXx and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. can i be part of it