Hey guys. Magic/Awesome here. I am now playing EMC for fun, really not doing anything, no supportership, no auctions (Occasionaly one maybe) And no wool farm, no service no nothing. The only thing will be a small enchant shop with some random minerals and Misc. I am joining the Army, and want to play EMC for fun, just to RELAX, not get stressed about doing anything. The Enchant shop will be at 14362. Drop by in a few weeks, when it opens, and look around. It might not be fully in stock as I might be training in the Army. So please be patient. Thanks guys, hope you understand. EDIT: I might actualy still do the things, like the wool farm and service Etc. But im not promising anything. I will notify if I have done it, completed it, and note how log it will be running for etc.
This technically isnt actually an enchant shop thread XD, just letting people know I wont be doing much on EMC, just playing for fun. But whatever thread it should be moved in, move it XD if you want