Just seen the OP... He wants a dragon egg basically, but wants to pay one of the prizes for it... bearpic.png
Ahaha, he says get the ender dragon egg. There is only 1 of those for each server, and it is owned by 1 person and 1 person only. This 'contest' is impossible to do on EMC.
its for when the next server comes out and besides some servers have not had someone take an enderdragon egg.
The next server will come out when all of the residences on all of the servers are taken! There's another 6 months worth of residences left.
Add the SoulPunisher comment. If or when a new smps the odds very very low Shaun or other mods will kill the enderdragon and take the egg because of the hassle and the arguing about "he/she has one i want it give it come on please" So only their will only be 5 dragon eggs on EMC but I have heard that ICC and other mods are talking about doing something for the people who own eggs