Empire Minecraft * Community Channel

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by WhozCoopz, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. So I recently came up with the idea for a Community Channel, i know there is already the Empire Minecraft channel, but it has been inactive for 8 months and only posted tutorials.

    So I was thinking for this channel you guys send myself or possibly a few other "admins" for the page your Lets Play videos, or other random entertaining videos on the Empire!

    I am hoping this to achieve 2 things, firstly have a cool channel with lots of fun and enjoyable content! And secondly to give other smaller chanels some exposure!

    I have already created the channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwKAKvZFTsNPhNz7aqKEEEw
    and am currently working on the banner, if you wish the subscribe please do so. I am currently not sure on the best way to send me videos, but if you want to make an "introduction" video to send to us PM myself on the forums and we can figure something out!

    Any ideas / information post below of PM myself!

    Eviltoade likes this.