EMC's 4181 Book Auction!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Nuutella__, Oct 25, 2015.

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  1. This is an invalid auction. Please auction this off in game if you only wish to sell one
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  2. its pass 7:00 ?
  3. ok abyoshi meet me on smp2 if you can
  4. If you're trying to host an auction, this is definitely not the way to do so. I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to follow through with the sale... It's invalid for the following reasons:
    • Incorrect forum section.
    • You'd need 54 books to be able to auction them.
    • You need to supply a minimum bid increment.
    Please re-read the rules at http://empireminecraft.com/threads/empire-auction-rules-read-before-posting.42009/.
  5. its over, doofni, calm down
  6. But this doesn't even-- Blech. Never mind >.>
    cj12115 and PenguinDJ like this.
  7. abyoshi i'll get the book to you asap but I cant get on to smp2 where the book is. do you know whats going on?
  8. I bid 300...So technically I won...
  9. ok abyoshi I got the book so ill mail it to you. okey dokey?
  10. You got a 200r sale and is gonna spend 50r just to mail it?
  11. Books mail free :p
  12. Copied directly from the auction rules:

    Regular items are any items in Vanilla Minecraft, that are not listed separately here. They must be auctioned off in full double chest quantities. All items must have full durability.

    This was an invalid auction. Even though everyone who was bidding knew it was an invalid auction, they still bid on it. Which makes no sense. Please do not bid on auctions you know are invalid. Also, as the OP you should not allow the auction to continue when someone tells you that the auction is invalid.

    Please read the guidelines and refer to the auction templates before posting, or you can and will be blacklisted from Community Auctions in the future. Thank you.
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