**EMC related memes only**

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by FrankieC, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. wow no one posts here anymore
  3. Bumper and 2nd account bro? Nice
    Equinox_Boss, AlexHallon and Nole972 like this.
  4. Me after learning EMC had no PVP.

    DeadSkaia, Manglex, Nole972 and 5 others like this.
  5. Probably two of my favorites so far, hahaha.
  6. You know your funny when ICC likes it.
  7. "Hello. Is this GameKribJeremy?"

  8. LOLOL.jpg
  9. Wow this got off topic. Lemme put it back on.

  10. <snip-Bigdavie>
    EDIT: Due to Lord Frodomann's request, here's a meme on this whole conversation: LOL 2.jpg