Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Okay. I have just missed: Two CB magmas, Two CB ices, a CB thunder, Two leetle trees, a paper, two cheeses, and a purple dino. I'm not even sad anymore, it's just too funny. :D
  2. I got a cb ember, anyone want it?
  3. Good, Magmaria Jierda is hatching.
  4. I also just missed another pruple dino.
  5. If anyone doesn't want a hatchling, just give it to me!
  6. Got another Red Dragon Egg (CB)

  7. I'm pooping out the new eggs :p I got another one today. Hoping to finally get a magi dragon the next time I visit the cave.
    Can somebody give me the magi dragon's egg picture? I can't find it on the wiki for some reason.
  8. Have fun.
  9. I have had lots of luck in getting rare dragons. Sadly, all of the luck was bad. :p
  10. My golden wyvern just hatched. So neat.
  11. Got myself an abandoned vine , an abandoned nebula thuweed , and an abandoned vine that's parents were both alts.
  12. I saw a nebbie hatchie a bit ago on the AP....
  13. The nebula is a thuweed, and the vine egg is most likely an alt.
  14. Qwert, you and me must share the same gene pool of bad dc luck :p

    No one wants to trade for my ember? Or are you still
    Mad about the alt?
  15. Personally, I am.
  16. I didn't know any better! I saw chrisisaboss91 doing it and saw that no one was getting mad at him, so why not? If it makes you happy, I can pm u the account details and u can change the password, making sure I don't use it anymore :)
  17. I don't know how. However, when did you see Chris making an alt?
  18. Idk, but like 1 month ago... He told me via pm I believe.