Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. only if you donate the vampire to me once im not egg-locked :p
  2. I also have one. :)
  3. Yay, Wee Boogieboarder hatched!
  4. Hmm.... No thanks.....
  5. So did Makeshift Dragon!
  6. Hey, got a mature Albino hatchie off the AP!
  7. I got a thing.

  8. nice... any of mine good?
  9. Looking at your hatchlings and eggs, you have quite a few assorted uncommons. :)
  10. I dont even know what any of mine are called except for the oscedrake...
  11. http://bit.ly/OVKmQf
  12. Please tell me if u want to trade for any of my dragons.
  13. I will ignore breed requests on my profile or in any thread.
  14. There. Put it in my sig.
  15. I will breed a Thuwed that may be a Blusang for anyone who will breed/give me a Magma egg.
  16. I got one of the new Blusang Lindwurm (brine) dragons! it was released on august 15th :).
  17. I've got one too. Purebred 2nd gen off the AP.
  18. whats the AP?