Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Is Lightning Templar taken?
  2. ... that may work.
  3. Help my dragons please i think im a bad owner i killed / abandond 55/60 dragons now
  4. Missed 2 Blacks... -_-
  5. What?
  6. Epic my vampires are growing up, got another black dragon egg, my black dragons are growing up, and my gold wyvern is growing up. Also got 2 striped eggs :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  7. AP's been blocking the cave for about an hour. :(
  8. I really don't use the cave, I like to get my eggs from the abandoned cave, I get rares a lot easier that way.
  9. What he said. ^
  10. How many views/clicks/unique views do they need before hacking sand growing
  11. I think about 1,000 views and 3 days 23 hours left.
  12. Got one black and it was an alt. First try.
  13. Yes, I have a lot of uncommon/rare dragons.
  14. qwert, can i have a nebula if you breed it?
  15. Wow, so many people want my nebula...
    I'm collecting all four nebulas, but when I have them all, then I'll trade.
  16. Cough equals bump :p I just was bumping it, now, I'm off to the cave to look for dragons.
  17. Please view mine as manytimes as possible i want some to live
  18. Oh great Terr, can you bless me with that magi egg that we talked about? :p
  19. Um, it was a female, and my magi is a female D: