Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Whats your scroll
    and didn't some of your eggs just hatch and their not on your sig anymore
  2. Hey, I killed 2 of my eggs...And I was going to get 2 more because my max is 4 and says I'm full... When I only have 2 eggs alive
  3. make another account and use both at once :)
    click my eggs plz
  4. Clicked

    How long does they take to grow? Mine don't have much time left and other people with more time have hatched.
  5. i clicked all yours and to have them hatch just posst more stuff
  6. RAWWW i want my eggs clicked or teh AlbinPOlarbear wil get u
  7. Whenever I try to Name my Dragons, it says "You try to write the name, but the ink disappears as you write, so you decide to try something else."

    Anyone knows why?
  8. someone has already taken it
    AlexHallon likes this.
  9. Also, the system might flag the name as offensive or inappropriate -- that seems to happen to me a lot, even though I never put anything offensive in... It seems a little on the touchy side.
  10. mine have all died -_- or close to it
  11. I got some new Eggs.

    Click 'em!
  12. New eggs! :D

    Click awaaaaaay!

  13. I just got a new egg, its ill.
  14. Click mine quick :(

    Only 2 days left...

    *Clicks a few other Eggs*
    *Searches for Emergency Link*
  15. I cant join?!?!?1 It always times my page out?
    Help me?
  16. When you try to open the Dragon Cave page?
  17. No whenever I stay on the page too long it says "Connection timed out"
  18. The dragon cave page? :p Or this page? Or your scroll?
  19. The dragon page :p