Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. 3 of my eggs grew up. Time to get some new ones.
    Edit: Why do none of my dragons breed? :mad: I always get the message 'The two dragons mate, but no egg is produced'
  2. Soo uhh... What would you want for that lumina...
  3. Well... that's perfect. One male and one female Pillow.
  4. And then get another...
  5. Y'know, a thunder or a magma.....
  6. :'( I need breed luminas! What about a vamp?
  7. Sounds good.
  8. Because TJ09 wants to keep rares rare. Welcome to the highly frustrating world of DC breeding.
  9. Hmm, I don't get that very often, mine usually breed.
    Oh well.
    My luck is special.
  10. Was the black egg claimed? I can't claim it because I'm on m phone in Mexico, and its sooooo slow
  11. Was the black egg claimed? I can't claim it because I'm on m phone in Mexico, and its sooooo slow
  12. Hmm... I dont know, its my first rare... do you mind if i wait to see if the luminas a boy/girl?
  13. Trade, now, or no trade :p
    You can show me your scroll and Ill see
  14. No. Didn't you see my posts?
  15. Snagged an Ocherdrake hatchie off the AP, might as well keep him.
  16. Going to try to get a rare....
    EDIT: Epic fail
  17. Ill trade you that lumina for my lumina
  18. If yours is male I will xD