[DONATION BASED] Vaetor's Redstone Building Services!

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Vaetor, Dec 23, 2017.

  1. Welcome to Vaetor's Redstone Building Services! Here's a FAQ / Guide to get you started:

    What do I actually do?

    I custom design & build Redstone contraptions for your Frontier Base, Town Plot or Single-Player World (Design only). I am highly experienced in Redstone and have a passion for problem solving; if you have an idea, I can build it!

    Examples of things I can do!

    • Casino Machines (Slot, Roulette ect.)
    • Auto-farms
    • Item Sorters
    • Elytra Launchers
    • Working clocks (Analog or Digital)
    • Mob Grinders
    • (Almost) Anything you can think of!
    What's my Workflow / Process like?

    Generally it goes like this:

    1. You tell me what you want, and how soon you need it. (The more detailed the better!)
    2. I build it on single-player to confirm I can do it & to count blocks.
    3. I quote you on how many of which blocks I need, and give you the option of a price for me to buy them at or you give me the blocks
    4. I build it for you! (Or give you a design)
    5. You review it and I explain to you how it works, what flaws it has ect.
    6. You donate me the amount of rupees (or extra items) you think my labour is worth. It could be zero or it could be 100k, I wouldn't be offended either way.
      Lame ass rhyme
    7. We're done! Enjoy your new Redstone creation.
    Format for requesting Redstone Work


    Explanation of project (What you want it to do, what blocks you'd like to be used, any other details you can think of):

    Pictures of examples of what you want (If it exists online):

    Timeframe you need it finished in:

    Special requests (Could be anything):

    <3 Thankyou so much for reading!<3

    CallumDAKing and FadedMartian like this.
  2. there is not a Redstone machine i want now but when there is... I will tell you
  3. Please let me advise you to make a private conversation with me regarding work as I will pay you top dollar from your work amongst the Redstone work. I will need something done on my smp5 residence. The lowest cost I would like to pay you would be 15000r if that is okay as I understand it costs time to do it in single player mode. I would like to cover something’s up on my res and would like to hear some ideas of yourself if that is possible. I am also wondering if you have a Skype that I could Call and chat with you about this. If not that is completely fine:)
  4. Sent you a PM, Callum.
  5. Wish I had some work for you, would love to see what you can do :)
  6. I will definitely need you soon
  7. Sent you a pm :)