Does anyone care about SMP4?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jaqque, Jul 7, 2018.


Do you care about SMP4?

Poll closed Jul 14, 2018.
Yes! Of course! It's my SMP! 14 vote(s) 25.0%
Yes, because I care about all of them. 20 vote(s) 35.7%
No. No one cares about SMP4. 5 vote(s) 8.9%
No. It's the red-headed step-SMP. 2 vote(s) 3.6%
SMP what? 15 vote(s) 26.8%
  1. A question came up on SMP4 - and I want to bring it to the larger community - so this poll:
  2. Is SMP4 now the new SMP6, where a large group of residents think the rest of EMC is against them? :p
    jaqque likes this.
  3. smp4 is the southside of emc
  4. Smp4 has always been my home :D
  5. Of course people care. It's the smp before the great smp5 :cool:
    fBuilderS, jaqque and MoreMoople like this.
  6. Might help if someone who knows of some smp4 attractions could list them. I’m drawing a blank on smp4 all together.
  7. all I know is smp1, smp2, smp3, smp5, smp6, smp7, smp8, smp9
  8. I am a resident of smp6 and I reside on smp7 all the time. I betray my own SMP. Smp6 is dead most times, can't blame them tho, they are their own world ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Understandable :) 7 is where it's at
  10. This, SMP7 is best

    As for 4's activity - there are many who still love smp4 and call it home. But all the SMPs go through seasons of high and low activity. (SMP8 for example, I have noticed is not nearly as active as it used to be)
    MoreMoople, Jadziaa, Slvr and 2 others like this.
  11. no smp2 is the best
    jaqque and Windylava like this.
  12. Guys,
    SMP6 is recruiting.
    Just do "/v open" and then "/claim"
  13. I blame Dufne's inactivity :C
    Jadziaa, Tuqueque and jaqque like this.
  14. We used to host Firefloor. Before /games. [shameless plug] Also home to the best burgers anywhere [/shameless plug]
  15. I'm from there.
    jaqque likes this.
  16. I have never heard of smp4. 2+2=fish smpfish is where is at :cool:
    jaqque and FadedMartian like this.
  17. Cough seasons cough cough 6
    jaqque likes this.
  18. I don’t care about smp4
    jaqque likes this.
  19. Not to be the Kumbaya person, but I really do believe each smp has it's own quirks and unique community members and builds that make it special on EMC. I think we should show love for each SMP because it's not about where you're from but who you are. So with that I care for SMP4 as much as I care about my home SMP2. :)
    jaqque and MoreMoople like this.