[Denied] For 1.13 Update, Increase the Server Render Distances

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by ForeverMaster, Sep 7, 2017.


Support this EMC Suggestion?

+1 4 vote(s) 66.7%
-1 1 vote(s) 16.7%
0 (Neutral) 1 vote(s) 16.7%
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  1. - - - The next update to Minecraft Java, 1.13, is planned to be a very technical update. The developers are spending more time on optimizing the game's code than they did for 1.10 through 1.12. They also have an art team that's working on retexturing Default Minecraft, but that's irrelevant to the suggestion I am proposing here. Mojang's concentrated efforts to optimize Minecraft's codebase could allow for the Empire Minecraft servers to handle greater render distances, while maintaining smooth gameplay.

    I do not expect this change to happen guaranteed. I'm only suggesting this now for EMC staff to think about whenever the time comes to update post-MC 1.13.
  2. Assuming they can do it... +1 :)

  3. Im preety sure Aikar has it more optimized now than what Mojang will ever have
  4. Not going to happen. Optimizing in Mojangs words means slower. They do not care about multiplayer performance.

    But for more details, what Mojang means is that they are cleaning up the quality of the code.

    However, every update they seem to make pretty bad choices.

    1.8 was the first "optimize" and that lead to intense memory allocation increase.
  5. (note: I'm ignoring the fact that this was already denied)

    My question though: to what end?

    See, when I walk around town or some outposts then I don't get the impression that I'm missing out on things. So I am honestly curious why you feel we'd benefit from this. I can see most of the bigger builds in pretty much one go, though this can differ per build of course.

    So yeah, I'm curious what triggered your suggestion?

    Personally I think the whole thing is a bit pre-mature. Both the suggestion as well as its denial.

    Even so, I'm also not too sure this is needed. Although you maybe right that we could get a more widened view the other side of that medal (so: not increasing) could result in the ability to have more players play at once without lag getting in the way. That accounts for something as well I think.
  6. I would love this for frontier living. It's most noticeable when I'm building on a mountain because the valley below cuts off into a tile shape.

    But that said I think Mojang's systems need a major rewrite to support this. Something way beyond just optimization. It's a shame that an endless world exploration game like Minecraft has such a limited view distance.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  7. The game itself doesn't have a limited view distance, it's just every level increase exponentially increases the load on the server. Even 1 single increase would cause TPS problems.

    We've actually tried in the past and ended up having to bring it back down.
    ForeverMaster and FadedMartian like this.
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