[DENIED] Add Levels to Mobs

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Loic_MaitreDuFeu, Aug 5, 2018.


Adding Levels to mobs is a good idea?

Yeah 1 vote(s) 14.3%
Nah 5 vote(s) 71.4%
Maybe 1 vote(s) 14.3%
  1. It would be cool to add Levels to Mobs,
    Their levels will depend on the difficulty the player is using their /ps
    Example : A zombie Level 1 is the less powerful and it's spawn is at Difficulty 1 of /ps
    while a Zombie level 30 is much more difficult to fight and can spawn at Difficulty 10!

    How to know what levels are the mobs ?
    They will have a name tag on their heads, Example "Zombie Lvl 1" "Zombie Lvl6" "Zombie Lvl30"

    Minibosses can also have Levels, still depending on the /ps of Players
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. I think this was slightly reworded, or i don't properly understand. With a higher difficulty mobs are already a "higher level", if you simply mean SHOWING the mobs difficulty that'ts another thing. However if that'ts not what you mean i believe this would not be very interesting since we have difficulty already set.
  3. Like Dee said, we already have difficulty and I feel like this will slowly pull away from the vanilla MC vibe. I have to go -1
  4. What's the point of this? As the others have said, mobs already scale to your current difficulty. Additionally, the current system allows players with a high difficulty and players with a low difficulty to play together in a group safely, as the mobs' difficulty will scale down to the difficulty setting of the player with the lowest effective difficulty. If a difficulty 10 and a difficulty 3 player were playing together, and a level 30 mob spawned, it could easily beat the crap out of the low difficulty player and there would be nothing they could do about it.
  5. Just add a name tag on Mobs
  6. the main issue with this is that it would impact people who do not want to deal with non vanilla entities, and is essentially the same thing as the difficulty system.

    we dont need more complexity to the system. An Enraged Monster is a boosted level version of Vanilla.
    ShelLuser likes this.