Deathconn's Enchanted Book Service

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by emfs_ad, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. You paid but didn't pick up...
  2. what do you mean i was just on smp7 and didnt see the chest
  3. The chest was right in front of you at my res's spawn
  4. ill get on again
  5. No one told me my items were ready. I'll pay now. Btw, if it helps you out I'll pick up my items from your res, since there's no need in going through the hassle of delivering my items.
  6. Wait, are my items ready? I went to your res and I have no idea where to pick up. If they're not ready, please refund my rupees, and if it is ready, please be aware that I can't pick them up until Friday.
  7. Making a comeback? I hope so....

    Bump :3
  8. Aqua Affinity (1), Respiration (1), Infinity (1), Fire Aspect (1)
    Total is 2300r, no delivery
    Deadline: Sometime soon-ish
  9. Order has been filled. Please visit 14982 - Smp7 for your order
  10. Enchanted Book(s) + Quantity : Looting III + 10
    Would you like me to deliver the order? Where to? : Yes 8122, smp4, against far left(south) mossy stone wall. Your access sign is up. Thanks.
    Optional-Deadline : 3 days
    Price: 10,099 r
  11. Paid and picked up. :)
  12. Order filled and delivered, please send 10,099r my way please ;)
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  13. paid, thx
  14. Bump Again :3
  15. Enchanted Book(s) + Quantity : Efficiency IV x1
    Would you like me to deliver the order? Where to? : Drop into my hopper on my res (will set it up)
    Optional-Deadline : By Friday

    Please PM me because the timing of payment and delivery might have to be altered.
    I dunno right now but yeah.
  16. Enchanted Book(s) + Quantity : Silk Touch x10
    Would you like me to deliver the order? Where to? : no thanks
    Optional-Deadline : by some friday
  17. I apologize for the delay but I have them ready and they are set up in a chest at 14982 on smp7. Please pay before you pick up :D
    allengero likes this.