Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Centrino81, Sep 18, 2015.

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  1. Item: Double chest of quartz blocks
    Starting bid: 10k r
    Minimum bid increment: r2.500
    Auction ending time: 24 hr. after last valid bid.
  2. ok Matthew looks like you will be the winner. I will set up the chest now, and give you the access when i wake up in the morning. i am on smp 4 /v centrino81 3
  3. the chest is there below the flag. you'll see it when u spawn there. you can pay me whenever. i will be up, and on here by 11am U.S. est. /v centrino81 3
  4. once you send me the rupee's i'll put the sign on it. and congradulations on winning the auction.
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