DC of Quartz Ore Blocks!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Mallosaurus, Mar 26, 2014.

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  1. 68k :) Oh the hoarding
  2. .... I gotta do it. 69k. It's ok, you can let me have it guys, I need it for reasons.
    MrUnknownian likes this.
  3. I neEd it evEn mOre >:U

  4. Pshaw, I told you I need this for REASONS! :( 71k
  5. I need this for reasons too :O

  6. I need it for funzies cmon D: 73k
  7. Please no. I have 2 entire reasons that I need this. Sebenty Fore Kay
  8. I actually need this, but I guess Ill let you have this, courtesy for your loss tomorrow :)
    bemvino87 likes this.
  9. Another bump. :p
  10. Afternoon bump. :p
  11. Auction's over in less than two hours guys. :p
  12. If I win I will have to pay tomorrow morning, must sleep
  13. I believe I have won, paying now
  14. Oh, for a second I thought Kyzoy won, because you wrote the numbers out in a weird way. :p Alright, I am getting on in a few minutes and I will put an access sign on. It's res 914 on smp1. :) Congratulations and enjoy.
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