DC of Bottles o' Enchanting

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by marteno102, Feb 26, 2022.

  1. Items: DC of XP bottles
    Starting Bid: 1r
    Min Bid: 100r
    Auction Ends: 48 hrs. after last valid bid

    Pick up at my res. on smp2 v/marteno102 or v/4778
  2. 25k
    marteno102 likes this.
  3. darn, almost flew under the radar... 27k
    naMrorriM and marteno102 like this.
  4. Its my birthday on this post can i get it for half off 28k
  5. 32k
    like this post for no reason
    DrasLeona247 and marteno102 like this.
  6. Congratulations StghtL!

    I will set up chest at my res on smp2. /v marteno102 or /v 4778.
    StgbtL likes this.
  7. Paid for and picked up