Custom Textures (Denied)

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by THE_OP_VILLAGER, Dec 28, 2017.


lets see how many votes we can get for TEXTURES!!!

Sounds Cool!!! 4 vote(s) 25.0%
Nah i like the vanilla textures 8 vote(s) 50.0%
Maybe 4 vote(s) 25.0%
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  1. I think that EMC should try to make a custom texture pack for all of its amazing promos. I think this will help attract new players and also bring out the awesomeness of the promos and all their glory!
  2. This sounds like an interesting idea, but sometimes custom textures on servers can be a real pain in the butt to load
  3. true but once you load them it should cause much lag

    thats how it is for me
  4. That doesn't sound that good lol
  5. Emc could do a downloadable server texture. :) That'd keep everything looking and running great.
  6. I think it is a good idea, but not everyone is able to download it! You would have several people in a texture pack while others can’t use it! I know that is the same with all textures, but an EMC exclusive may make those who can’t download it feel left out.
  7. Now I don't know much about resource packs, but are you able to make multiple different textures for one item? Promos are, for the most part, just renamed versions of regular items ingame that would affect other items if they were retextured
    ttyler333 likes this.
  8. it is possible to make multiple textures for a item for example a turkey slicer will have a texture and a candy cane sword will have a different one but if someone where to get a normal diamond sword and rename it to the name of the promo however would cause it to look the same
    sry if that was confusing
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